21 September '23

BK jumping: Nicola Philippaerts and Klaartje Z stay in the lead

FEI WBFSH Jumping World Breeding Championship for Young Horses

Nicola Philippaerts and Klaartje Z

Nicola Philippaerts and Klaartje Z (by Kannan) remain in the lead after the second round of the Belgian Championships. Yesterday they already won the Table C competition, and today's clear round was enough to remain on top of the rankings. Zero penalties therefore for Nicola going into Saturday's final, reserved for the top 16. 

Gilles Thomas, with Ermitage Kalone (Catoki), started todays round with 2.55 penalty points in third place. Gilles and Ermitage moved up to second place after a clear round within the time allowed..

Yves Vanderhasselt (Nikita van de Koekelberg, Filou de Muze) climbed from fifth to third after a clear round. Niels Bruynseels (Nauwsika van de Pereboom, Thunder vd Zuuthoeve) had a pole down in the triple jump off and falls back from fourth to tenth place.

Virginie Thonon (Edgard de Prefontaine, Contact vd Heffinck) was second but unfortunately got one penalty point for time today, dropping to fourth place. Dominique Joassin (Bingo Z, Balou du Rouet) is halfway fifth, just ahead of Lieven Devos (Inca's Big Think, Think Big by T&L) and Koen Vereecke with Halima van het Bonte Hof Z (Hos d'O).  The top five are less than one pole removed from leader Philippaerts.
