Z-Festival Lanaken 2025

The annual Z-Festival remains the preeminent parameter for breeding. The Zangersheide foal championship in Lanaken showcases the trends of tomorrow. A representative sample of around 500 foals is presented to an international jury. In the stands and along the paddocks, everyone is a judge; breeders critically evaluate the latest combinations. Traders are quick to seize the market.
The Z-Festival is lucrative and educational in many respects. It is also important for the Z Quality Auction and the Zangersheide Online Auction. Many foals participate in the Z-Festival with the aim of being selected for auction. For others, it is a learning experience. Foals are groomed, and many are transported for the first time. How do they cope with a new environment, how do they react to an audience? All are valuable experiences for the foals. It's no different for the breeders. Where do they stand with their breeding? How does an independent jury evaluate their foal? And what have their colleagues bred? It is clear that breeders and traders attach great value to the Z-Festival for various reasons!
Nowhere else will you find so many foals together, making it immediately an interesting marketplace. In addition, the judgment of the jury is highly regarded because it is objective, without prejudice. Of course, not everyone will agree with the verdict, although everyone agrees that the jury looks with integrity and conscience. And that can even be called unique. This explains the great appreciation and high number of entries. In Lanaken, it doesn't matter who you are or what you've bred; only the result counts, regardless of the name or quantity. At the Z-Festival, everyone without exception has an equal chance because the jury judges independently and expertly, and that reputation is impeccable.
Also for horses
Not only the foals but also the young horses are featured during the four-day Z-Festival. Three-year-olds are judged over jumps at liberty.
The national STX Cyclus for 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old horses as well as the STX Gouden Laars for the youth. Registration for these can be done through the national federation.
Also on Sunday, there are SoSo Bixie Events for the littlest ones.
We hope to welcome you to the Zangersheide events.
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